Freemasons are divided into variousgroups according to region and personality. It is largelydivided into the ScottishLight33class and the YorkLight10class. They have a great impact on the world'spolitics, finance, business, religion, media, society, and culture, Freemasons have a rallyingplace called Lodge, about100,000Lodges around the world.
1degree (EnteredApprentice), 2degree (FellowCraft), 3degree (MasterMason) is a reserve member, and from 4degree to become a formalmember of the SecretMasterMason. Call33degrees'GrandMaster' and open the council to select him the chiefchairman and followhisinstructionsentirely
They takeanunusual ceremony, covering newbie's eyes, putting a ropearound he's neck, leading them into the room, putting a knife on their chest and swearing that they do not revealsecrets. When the blindfolded eye is released, the newmemberwill be signed to become a freemason and will be subject to a symbolic24-inchmeasure and masonhammer that is said to have been used for the templeconstruction of KingSolomon.
Freemasons have a secret celemony that makestheirorganization a fundamentalreligion that giveswisdom to life In order to acquire a class, you have to learnvarious things and participate in the ceremony. From the fourthstage, you willmake a covenant in blood. In order to joinFreemasonry, theremust have a religion, not only Christianity, butalsoIslam, Buddhism.
A. Local organizations
1. The RoyalInstitute for International Affairs (RIIA);
'The RoyalInstitute for International Affairs' was founded in England in 1919 and it is controls the British government and the worldelite. RIIAhasanoffice in 'ChathamHouse' in ChathamSquare, London. The UK'sforeignpolicycomes from the ChathamHouse.
Wesee that even if the United States fightsagainstIraq or pushes for unreasonable policies, Britainalwaysside with the United States. This is because RIIA in the UK and CFR in the United States are connected.
It is a researchinstitute that seeminglyholdsseminars and studiesforeignaffairs, but majormeetings are heldprivately by invitedpeople.
CFR was organized in 1921 as anactiveorganization to manipulate the US government and the CIA. Theirpurpose is to integrate the world'seconomy and to establish a worldgovernment. CFR members will be disqualifiedmembership if theypublish the contents of the CFRmeeting. The CFRhas3,300leaders in politics, finance, trade, telecommunications and academia as members.
CFR is influenced by J.P. Morgan, becausefirstchairman, JohnDavis, was a privatelawyer for J.P. Morgan. In the United States, mostpoliticalofficials are CFR members, so the CFR policy maintained. The CFRcontrols the Americanpress and doeswhattheyintend to do with education and culture. Most of presidents of the United States are CFR members because they were electedpresident with the help of CFR.
The chiefexecutive and editor of the majorAmericanmedia are CFR members, sotheycreatepublicopinion as CFRintends, CFRpromotesitself as 'asocialgroup and ThinkTank that serves the country for a good world'. However, CFRintervened in majorglobalconflicts that occurred in the 20thcentury: MostCIAdirectors are from CFR, and the CIA is evaluated as agent for CFR.
B. The highest organization 1. The Committee of 300
The Committee of 300 is a group of 300powerfulFreemasonelites that move the world. The Queen of England, is chairman and headquarter is in London and it controlsallareas of the world:politics, economy, society, culture, military, religion. The world'srich, noble, journalist, politician, and expert are members of the Committee of 300.
The Committeeof 300 traditionallycentered on Britishnobles and rich, and lateracceptedAmerican rich. The UK is dominated by 100nobles and rich families, and the United States is dominated by the Committee of 300. They have collected a lot of money from the BritishEmpire through the EastIndiaCompany. The EastIndiaCompanysoldopium to China.
The committee of 300 hasimplementedseveralplannedprograms by the TavistockInstitute to promotedrugproliferation in the United States. Itdeindustrialization of the United States, mass-producedunemployedpeople, madepeopleturn to materialism and hedonism through mass media, eventuallyrelying on drugs. The results are successful, with millions of Americandrugaddicted, and most of the prisoninmates are drug-relatedprisoners.
Drugdissemination in the United States has three purposes. The first, is to increase the income of the committee of 300, whichalmostmonopolizesUSdrugtrade. The second is to encouragesocialderailment and to push the fall of the United States and easilytake control of the United States. The third is to simplify humans and makethemeasy to deal with and to helpestablish a worldgovernment.
Banks in Switzerland and Hong Kong traditionallylaundered and managed the money ofdrug. 'Hong Kong andShanghaiBank' is still a billion-dollarpaymentbank from the opiumtrade with China.. The other source of income for the committeeof 300 is from diamonds and goldmines in SouthAfrica.
The Club of Rome
The Club of Rome was founded in Italy in 1968under the auspices of the RockefellerFoundation and is anorganization that deals with the world'senvironment and population problems. Theirhandling of environmental and populationissues is to promote the legitimacy of globalization and prevent the advancement of underdeveloped countries.
Round Table
In the late19thcentury, anEnglishmannamedCecilRosediscovered a diamondmine in SouthAfrica and becamerich. He was attracted to Illuminati'sworldsinglegovernmentidea and created a 'Round table' andsupport. The RoseScholarship, named after him, draws a geniusevery year and studies at Oxford University. BillClinton is a RoseScholarship student.
C. sub-organisation
1. Skull and Bones
"Skull and Bones" is aneliteorganization and has headquartered at Yale University. They meet at a clubhouse called Tomb. The skeleton and X-shapedbonesymbol was originally the symbol of the Knightsof Tample, and the piratesfollowedthis.
"Skull and bones"wasdrugdealers, and high-rankingfamilieslikeBush and Rockefellerweremembers. Since college, they joined the membership and become high-ranking social level by mutualcooperation. The PresidentBush of the United States is also from YaleUniversity's'Skull and Bones'.
Trilateral Commission
The threesides of the 'Trilateral Commission' are the United States, Europe, and Asia. ;Trilateral Commission'monopolize the worldeconomy and establish a world government. 'Trilateral Commission' was organized at the RockefellerMansion on 1July1972, sponsored by DavidRockefeller.
'Trilateral Commission' has headquarter in New York, Paris and Tokyo, and is operated byexecutivecouncil of 35members. ProfessorBrezinski of ColumbiaUniversity is a key member of 'Trilateral Commission' and presented the ideal of establishing a world government.
Of thosewhoparticipated as U.S. representatives at the San Francisco InternationalConference to create the UN in 1945, 47 were CFR members. The UNheadquarters in New York was built on landdonated by FreemasonRockefeller. The United Nations was formed by representatives from 50 countries in 1945under the leadership of CFR.
We know that the UNexists for worldpeace, but in reality it is anorganization for the establishment of a world government. The UN has many affiliatedorganizations: the WorldHealthOrganization (WHO) to reduce the worldpopulation, UNEP for economic and environmental control, and UNESCO (UNESCO) to overseeeducationalscience and culture.
Bilderberg Conference
The BilderbergConference is a secret meeting whereworldpoliticalleaders from the United States and Europe, financialpowerelites, majormediaofficials, and Europeanroyalsattendeach year to discuss international issues. The BilderbergConferenceaims to promoteglobalization and build a world government.
The BilderbergConference was founded in 1954 by PrinceBernhard of Holland: There was no name for the meeting, but it was called the Builderbergmeetingbecause it was the first meeting at the BuilderbergHotel. The decisionmade at the Bilderbergmeeting is annouced by leaders of the G20advanced countries.
Tavistock Institute for Human Relations
Here, They studybrainwashing, psychologicalmanipulation, mindcontrol, grouphypnosis, drugs, perspective, mediamanipulation, culturalinfluences. At the time of World War II, instead of bombarding the Germanmilitaryplantowned by Illuminati, it caused a psychologicalpanic by bombing the privatehouses of workers.
The TavistockInstitute for HumanRelations is located in Sussex University and London, England. The term "shock and fear," whichemerged in the IraqWar, is also a conceptlongagocreated by the Tabistock Institute forHuman Relations, they encouragesterrorism and gangmurders in the United States.
D. A view of the world government ruled by the Committee of 300
The ultimategoal of the committee of 300 is to create a completelycontrolledtotalitariansociety. The idea of a worldgovernmentcamemostly from 'the Clubs of CultusDailyboricus' H.G. Wells who was a member of this club,released the image of the worldgovernment in his book "The OpenConspiracy:Plans for a WorldRevolution"
There are a fewhereditaryrulers, the middle class disappears, and the general public becomes slaves. The industry is destroyed, and only the committee of 300 and the chosenelite have the right to useEarth'sresources.
Limitedwars, fast-paced, highlylethaldiseases, famine, etc., remove the 4billionpeoplewhowasteEarth'sresources and food. The worldpopulation is limited a billion people by the ruling class, and births are limited and abortions are achieved.
Religion is allowedonlyone, and allChristiansocieties are destroyed, and demonism, Luciferworship, and magicbecome the regularreligion of a singleworldgovernment. Under the worldgovernment, the existingfamilyconceptdisappears, and children are removed from theirparents at an early age and raised as assetsunder the supervision of the state.
The IDnumber is imprinted on the bodyso that it can be recognized at any time, and all personal information is entered into NATO'scomputer in Brussels, Belgium, and can be searched at any time. Allrights of individuals are eliminated, and private property possession, possession of oldmoney, possession of automobiles are prohibited. All central banks exceptBIS and the World Bank are closed, and privatebanks are alsobanned.
Friee Sex is recommended, and pornography is forcibly shown in schoolclassrooms or movietheaters. It is mandatory to userecreationaldrugs, and it can be bought only in storesrecognized by the worldgovernment by limiting the amount of drugs that goback to individuals Adrugbarrun by the WorldGovernment, the slaveclasscanspendfree time there.
Brainwashingdrugs are mixed in food and water withoutpeopleknowing. The non-elitepublic is controlled by mindcontrol and grouphypnosis, which is reduced to the samelevel as the beast, and is easilycontrolled. Eventually, each individual is brainwashed and everyonemustrely on the worldgovernment to survive.
The elites have to usesuchextrememethods because in order to dominate a large number of crowds without rioting or rebellion, the people must corrupt and makethemeasy to deal with. If the ruling forces, who already have the wealth and power of the world, control the people with cutting-edgescience and technology, it is possible enough and willencourageextremeconfusionfirst.
Another reasonelites have to do this is to keep the world in control, as the earthwill be in greatcrisis in the future due to environmentalpollution, resourcedepletion, population growth and foodshortages. The Christianoppression, the insertion of the mark of the beast and the forcedidolatry are similar to the description of the Revelation in the Bible. Thisideacame from the Demonworshipclubbecause the committeeof 300 absolutelyobeys the revelation of Satangiventhroughmagic.