666 glass pyramids in front of the Louvre Museum in Paris
a pyramid-shaped gymnasium built in the city of Memphis, United States
Illuminati is a newlycreatedidea by AdamWeishaupt of Germany in the late18thcentury, studying at Jesuituniversities and encounteringprogressiveideas, and it hasreceived a lot of response by introducing it to the socialelites during histime as a universityprofessor.
He joined with Rothschild, a world-renownedfinancialconglomerate and FreemasonJew at the time, and formallyfoundedilluminati on May1, 1776. Illuminati means to realize the laws of allthings in the universe by receivinglight, and in the dictionary it is called "thesecretassociation of republicanism that believes in the naturalreligion of medievalGermany".
Illuminatihas a cleargoal of 'NewWorldOrder' and 'WorldGovernmentEstablishment'whileinheriting the tradition of Freemasonry and Jesuits. They lead the FrenchCivilRevolution and the RussianCommunistRevolution, overturning the monarchy and take power.
Theirbasicideology is freedom, equality, and brotherhood, which is the ideology of the FrenchRevolution. Freedom is close to the indulgence that doeswhat he wants to do to challenge the authority of God and breakdownmorality and causeconfusion, 'Equality' is to challenge the authority of the king and revolutionize to exterminate the nobles and create a worldled by illuminati, 'Brotherhood' is a brotherhoodbetweenilluminatimembers, and betrayalmeansdeath.
Illuminatimembers are divided into threeclasses:Norvis, Mineval, and EnlightenedMineval. To become anenlightenedMinneval, he had to learn ancientmysticalsecretdoctrines and rituals, and he was educated on sevengoals: the destruction of all nation, the destruction of all religions, and the establishment of the one worldgovernment.
Toachieveitsgoal, Weishauptwas interested in Freemasonswhowereactive in Europe at the time. This was because Freemasonryhad the advantage of not only havingsomething in common with his thoughts, but also of beingable to exploitsecrecy and theirorganizationalpower.
Hejoined the Deodorebranch of Freemasonry, planned to take the members as he intended, and succeeded in becoming the centralfigure of the organization. Freemasonheadquartertried to put a brake on thismovement, but the illuminati forceswerealreadyfirmly seated in the branch.
OnJuly16, 1782, a meetingbetweenilluminati and Freemasons was held in Svart, whereWeishauptstronglyinsisted that illuminatiwould be regarded as division in Freemasonry and succeeded in concludinganalliance. The combination of the twoorganizationsled to the formation of a largeorganization that embracedmore than four million people at the time, and the spirit of illuminati was activelyspread within Freemasonry.
But a group of moderateswithinFreemasonrydid not hidetheirvigilance eyes on the activity of illuminati. In1780, the moderates of Freemasondecided to accuse illuminati to the Bavarian government.
Eventually, four of the members of the illuminatiexpose the reality of the violentrevolution plan, Weishauptwas expelled. Thiseventseemed to have destroyedilluminati, but illuminati was revived by decisivelyaffecting the AmericanRevolution and the FrenchRevolution.
LouisPierre, formerdirector of the FrenchFreemason, said that Freemasonshadinfluencedhuman rights, separation of churches and the birth of the United States, and the FrenchRevolution. It is widely known that the FrenchRevolution was a case that changed world history, but not many peopleknow that the coreforces of this Revolution are Freemasons and illuminati.
Rousseau, whoprovided the ideologicalbasis of the FrenchRevolution, was a member of the illuminati, and Mirabeau, the mainleader of the revolution, was also a member of the illuminati. Voltaire and MontesquieuwereFreemasons. The monument with the FrenchDeclaration of Human Rights shows the influence of Illuminati at the time.
The goddesswhocutschains from the upper left side of the monumentsymbolizeFrance, and the angel on the right side is called the goddess of law, and the shining triangle at the end of the angel'srighthand is a symbol of Illuminat, all seeing eye printed on the 1 dollarbill. Illuminatiabsorbs the Freemasonelite and secretlymoves to the United States to takecontrol of the worldeconomy.
Illuminati'sdesire to conquer the world is well-known in the Protocols of zion. An illuminati member who was going to Paris from Frankfurtunder the direction of Weishauft was founddead by lightning, and the Bavarian government in GermanywarnedFrance of theirplots at the time, but Franceignored them.
The Protocolof zion says that theyusegold to buypoliticians, control the media, leadpublic opinion in the directiontheyintended, corrupt people, makethemlikeanimals that are easy to handle and eventuallymakethemslaves.
The illuminati can takecontrol of the world because they have knowledge, money, technology and support of Satan. They are proud to have learned the laws of metaphysics and become gods, and theysay that they govern the world with their truths. They are in contact with the spirits of darknessthrough the occultceremony, buttheydo not know the real truth.
Rev.14:7 saying with a loud voice, "Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water."
It is the core of truth:'Allcreatures should"Fear God and give glory to Him" This is the order of the universe, and when it is kept, they cango in a good direction and receiveGod'sblessing. However, whendisobedience and confrontation with God happen, such as Satan did, disorder and Chaos occur, and they go in anevil direction, and eventuallythey are cursed by God.
Dan.2:34 "You watched while a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces.
1Tim.6:15 which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
This is scientificallyproven, and allthings in the universe move in a natural state to the directionwheredisorderincreases. (Thesecondlaw of thermodynamics, the law of entropyincrease) In other words, unlessGod helps them, allthings in the universe and mankind are bound to go to the path of destructiondue to theirown deferct . If the BabelTowerbuilt by humanpowercollapses on its own, the kingdom of Satan will be built, after Jesuscomes and breaksdown the kingdom of Satan, the kingdom that Jesusdirectlygovernswill be built on the ground.
Mark10:18 So Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.
Because onlyGod is good, good is the match with God, and evil is the separation from God. Humility, gratitude and praisematchGod and me, and pride, discontent and greedseparateGod and me. No matter how good, clean and beautifulangels are, when they were separated from God, it became evil, dirty and uglydemons by itself. Humans, also becomeincreasinglyevil, obscene, cruel, violent, ruthlesswhenGoddoes not join together.
John14:20 "At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.
By turningaway from God, mankind is in disorder and confusion, and humanity will be self-destructed by homedestruction, crime, environmentalpollution, disease, resourcedepletion and war. People'smentalage is gettinglower and lower, and they are losingtheirself and fallingintovariousaddictions, or searching for the vainfashion of the world or the pleasure of the body.
Illuminati's "NewWorldOrder" is to degrade the worldfirst and make people material, drive the worldchaos, then finally conquer the world with theirorder(demonism). To this end, they do not hesitate to commitevilsuch as conspiracy, deception, terrorism, massacre, economiccrisis, spread of infectious diseases, drugbusiness, artificialnaturaldisasters, famine, war.
In the end, theywillputSatan on top instead of God, makeeveryoneworship, and makeanorderlyworld like a brutalgang.