The RomanChurch, which was only one of the manychurchesscattered throughout the RomanEmpireuntil the thirdcentury, became a RomanCatholicchurch that tookcontrol of the MiddleAges, and the bishop of the RomanChurch, which was only the elder of the localchurch, became the head of the worldchurch and ruled the Middle Ages because of the political and militarybacking up of the RomanEmpire and the HolyRomanEmpire.
On27October312, thanks to the "Cross of Flame" that appeard in EmperorConstantine'sdream, he win the battle of the MilbianBridge, with hisopponent, EmperorMaxentius, Rome'sattitude toward the Christians was reversed.
InMarch313, the Edict of Milan was distributed and freedom of faith was given, and clergywereexempted from militaryservice, taxes, and variouscivilduties, and judicialprivileges were given, sotheywere not tried in court in the world. As a result, the system of the priesthood was corrupted and the priest trade was popular, and the customs of the pagan absolved.
The worship was extremelypagan, and on March7, 321, the EmperorConstantinedeclared to be closed on Sunday, the day of worship of the sungodMithras. In330, when the capital was moved from Rome to Constantinople, the biskop of the RomanChurchexpandedhisauthorityindependentlywithout the intervention of the emperor.
The arrogantRomanChurchbishop used the title "PontifexMaximus", the title of the paganarchbishop, which the Romanemperorshadbeenused as the officialnameuntil375.
In496, Catholic Church converted the KingClovis of Frank, a strongGermanicnation, to solidifyit'spoliticalbase during the MiddleAges. In533, Catholic Church officiallyrecognized the RomanChurch bishop as "Head of WorldChurch". In538, Catholic Church conquered Ostrogoth, the lastGermanic to challenge the reign of the RomanChurch, with military power.
Frank kingcharseusedhismilitary force to save the troubledRomanpope from the politicalcrisis, and by receiving the emperor's crown from PopeLeoIII at St. Peter's church in 800AD, the historic'HolyRomanEmpire'emerged and the empireserved as a sincereprotector of the papacy for over1,000 years until it was ended by Napoleon in 1806.
It was the 'HolyRomanEmpire' that assembly the Crusaders to slaughter the Reformerssuch as Albizens and Waldens, to burnHus and Jerome, and to provide all the power to stopLuther'sReformation. Therefore, Catholicism is not a church that inherited the firstchurch, but rather a mixedreligion that persecuted the firstchurch, absorbed the foreignreligion, grew by politicalpatronage, and it is a worldlychurch that pursue power and wealth.
2. The history of Catholic non-biblical doctrines
1. Lucian first called the elderto priest-- the secondcentury; 2. Ciprianhascreated a masswhich the priest preside -- the thirdcentury; 3. Prayer for the dead (thecustoms of Babylonianreligion) --A.D. 300. 4. Makingcrossshape--A.D. 300. 5. Candlelight-- A.D. 320; 6. Angels, deadsaints, worship of figures--A.D. 375 7. Becomes a dailyceremony of Mass. --A.D. 394. 8. StartraisingMary and calling her "mother of God" --A.D. 431 9. Priestsbegin to wearspecialclothes--A.D. 500 10. Aritual for healing--A.D. 526. 11. Gregory I establishes the doctrine of purgatory--A.D. 593 12. Use of Latin at worship--A.D. 600. 13. prayers to Maria, deadsaints, angels--A.D. 600 14. The firstpope (BonifaceIII) --A.D. 610. 15. Kiss the papalfeet--A.D. 709. 16. Pepin, the Frankishking, handoversecular power to the Pope--A.D. 750 17. Cross and relicworship--A.D. 786 18. Making a holy water by blessing priest in watermixed with salt and oil--A.D. 850 19. St. Joseph worship--A.D. 890 20. Cardinalworship--A.D. 927. 22. PopeJohnXVdeclaresdead as saints--A.D. 995 23. Fridayfast--A.D. 998 24. Massgraduallydevelops into sacrifice, and attendance is forced--A.D. 11thcentury. 25. The Single Life of Priests--A.D. 1079. 26. Introduction of the use of rosary (paganpractice) --A.D. 1090; 27. Establishment of the Tribunal--A.D. 1184 28. Sales of indulgences--A.D. 1190.29. SevenSacraments--A.D. 12thCentury 30. Establishtheory of transubstantiation --A.D. 1215 31. Ritual that confessessins to the eas of priests, not God--A.D. 1215. 32. Holy breadworship --A.D. 1220 33. Biblebanned and included in the list of forbiddenbooks--A.D. 1229. 34. makes a holy cloth --A.D. 1251 37. The tradition of the church is recognized as the sameauthority as the Bible--A.D. 1545 40. Mary conceive withoutsins --A.D. 1854 41. declares the pope'sabsolute no errror to allmatters of faith and morals--A.D. 1870 42. PiusXIIdeclaresMary's ascension --A.D. 1950 43. PopePaulVIcallsMary "mother of church" --A.D. 1965
3. Papacy
Catholics insist that the pope, inheritingPeter'sapostolicoffice, the deputy of Christ, the head of the wholechurch, the holyfather, and the errorlessbeing. So they consider the Pope'steachingshigher than the Bible. But thisdoctrine of the pope is not based on the Bible and challengesGod'sauthority.
The pope is just a human being and hasdone many immoralthings in history (murder, blasphemy, corruption, simony, drunkenness, adultery, homosexual, and incest). In the Middle Ages, pope ownedwealth and power that outperformed the king, which is far from the servicingleaderthat presented by Jesus.
PopeSergiusIII (A.D. 904–911) obtained the papacy through murder, and hadsex with a woman, giving birth to illegitimatechildren. PopeJohnXII (A.D. 955–964) was sexuallypromiscuous, bringingprostitutes to the Vatican. Fiftybishopsgathered at St. Peter'sCathedral to sue the pope for theft, simony, perjury, murder, adultery, and incest, butPopeJohnXIItookrevengebeating the cardinal and bishops with whips and cuttingarms, noses and ears.
PopeJohnXV (A.D. 985–996) sharedchurchfinances with hisrelatives. PopeBenedictVIII (A.D. 1012–1024) is animmoralfigurewhobribed and bought the papacy. PopeBenedictIX (A.D. 1033–1045) committedmurder and adultery in daylight, and was deportedafterrobbingpilgrims. PopeInnocentIII (A.D. 1160–1216) founded the Inquisition and killedmore than a million Christianswhobelieved in the Bible.
PopeJohnXXIII (A.D. 1410–1415) was accused by 37witnesses, consisting of bishops and priests, of indecent, incestuous, incestuous, indigo, sextrafficking, theft and murder, and raped300nuns. Vatican records show he committedpervertedsexualacts with hisbrother'swife, hadsex with hundreds of virgins, and was publiclycalled the devil'sincarnation by performingadultery with marriedwomen.
PopePiusII (A.D. 1458–1464) taughthow to fallintosexualdesire, and was the father of many illegitimatechildren. PopePaulII (A.D. 1464–1484) woreanexpensive, luxuriouscrown, and hadmanyconcubines in the palace. PopeSixtusIV (A.D. 1471–1484) sold the churchtitles at auction to cover the warfunds, distributed the moneyembezzled by relatives, appointedeightyoungnephews as cardinals, and oftenheldextravagant and colorfulfeasts.
The papalcrown on hishead is similar to the mermaid-shapedgodDagon of Babylon.
the Dagongod of Babylon in the shape of half-manhalf-fish
pope with triple crown
Pope in crown likeDagon
4. The worship of Mary
The CatholicChurchsays that Maryconceivedwithoutoriginalsin, and whenshedied, herbody and soulascended to heaven. Mary is the mother and queen of all people, the gate of heaven, and is forgiventhrough her. Mary, who has more than seven children, haslived as a virgin for a lifetime. It is also said that throughMary, we can go to Jesus and God.
This is a doctrine that has no basis for the Bible, whichputsMary, who is only a human, in Jesus'place. Onlythrough JesusChrist, wecan be saved, and the worship of Mary is derived from the worship of the goddess of the paganreligion. Catholicsimported the idols and customs of Babylonianreligion, which was a Satanicworship.
Babylon in the Mesopotamianregion was built by a powerfulhunter named Nimrot in the Bible. The nameNimrothmeans 'he hasrebelled' and becomes a personwhoconfrontsGod. NimrothhadhiswifeSemiramis and sonDammus, and he carried out allkinds of evil and satanicworship. WhenNimroddied, hisbody was cutintoseveralpieces and sent to several areas.
Hiswife, Semiramis, claimed that Nimroth became a sungod and that Nimroth was reincarnated as hissonDammus. Fire and candleswere used to commemoratehim because Nimroth became a sungod. Othersymbols of Nimrodinclude the sun, fish, tree, and column. Semiramisalsosaid that Damus was a saviorconceived by supernaturalforces, and she was also a object of worship.
'The mother-son shaped idol' which is common in the Babylon area, is the image of the goddessSemiramisholdinghersonDammus. However, theseBabylonianidol spreadthroughout the world and are found in many places. Chinese people call the goddesswhoholds the baby in her arms "Singmu," means "HolyMother" GermansworshippedHertha, a virginwhoheldherbaby with herarms.
InIndia, they worshippedDevaki, mother holdbaby Krishna. The EgyptiangoddessIsisholdsbaby Horus, Egypt'sgreatestgod. The Israelitesworshiped the goddess of the Gentile, and in Jeremiah, it is said that theyincense to the queen of heaven.
Goddesswhoholdbaby in ancientreligionsaround the world, includingBabylon and Egypt
Mary and BabyJesus, common in the cathedral
Mary'sResurrection and Ascension
a popeworshipingMary
a crucifiedmary (Europe)
Mary with the Cross (Rome)
As the RomanChurch was established in A.D. 313, paganism was prohibited, so the pagansbroughttheirgoddessworship into the church, and the Romanchurchtolerated it for the expansion of the church. Gradually, the worship of the goddesses of pagansmoved to the worship of Mary.
InA.D. 431, the EphesianCounciladopted the worship of Mary as the officialdoctrine of Catholicism. Ephesus was a city that worshipedDiana, the goddess of virgin and mother from ancient times. When the apostlesspread the gospel, the Ephesiansdestroyedtheirowngoddessidols (Act19:24–27) InCatholicism, Mary is a centerpiece of praying to God on our behalf, but that role is Jesus's.
1John2:1 My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
1Tim.2:5 For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,
Luke1:46~47 And Mary said: "My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
Jesus is the only onewhodefendus withGodwhen we dowrong. The Mediator, whichconnectsGod and me, is onlyJesusChrist. Mary is just a personwhoborrowed her body for a while to come to thisworld with hisbody. MarycalledJesus my savior.
Catholicssay that Maria is aneternalvirgin and hasbeen a virgin for a lifetime. However, the Biblerecords the names of Jesus'fourbrothers, Jcob, Joseph, Simone, andJudah (Matthew13:55) Jesusalsohassisters; (Matthew13:56)
The Catholicssay that MaryconceivedJesuswithoutoriginalsin, and did not sin for life. This is the doctrine of Mary, declared by PopePius IX in 1854. But the Bibleclearlystates that all humans are sinners and that there is no righteous person before God.
Catholicsteach that Marydid not die, and ascended to heaven and became a queen of heaven. Thisdoctrine was declared by PopePiusXII in 1951 A.D. However, the Biblesays that noonehasgoneup to heavenexcept the son of a man. (John3:13) The worship of the CatholicMary is no different from the worship of the goddesses of ancientpagans.
5. The Catholic priesthood and confession
The title of the priest is used'father' which can only be used for God. Jesusclearlytold us not to callanyone my fatherreligiouslyexcept for the Father(God)whogave us life.
Matt.23:9 "Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.
The word'Pope', whichrepresents the head of Roman church, also is meaninng the word'father'. InMithraism, an pagan religion that was popular in the Rome, priestswhopresidedoversacrificeswere called 'father'. Also, the head of the Mithraistpriestlived in Rome, he was called the "Father offathers"(Paterpatrum). The Biblealsoshows the paganpriest as the father. (Judg 17:10)
Catholicismdeniesbeingrighteous by faith. Atonement is said to be done by good deeds, prayers and confessions. The right of forgiveness is only to Jesus and can be forgiven by crossblood, but Catholics are forgiven by confessingsins to a sinfulhumanpriest.
Eph.1:7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace
We are forgiven through the blood that Jesushasshed on the cross on behalf of our sins.
There is a cardinal in the CatholicChurchnext to the Pope, butthere is no cardinal in the Bible. The 'cardinal', originally the oracle of Romanpagans, cardinal, is derived from the Latin'Cardo', whichmeans a holed stone(athing like a hinge to open and close the door). The cardinal was originally a priestwhoservedJanus, the god of the gate and the holed stone.
January, whichmeans first month alsocomes from Janus, whichmeansGod of the beginning. Janus, known as the "opener and closeer," is the imitate the heavenlysystem and the righr of open and close the doors of heaven and hell to Jesus. (rev 3:7~8) The cardinalwearsred cloth, which is the same as the red of pagancardinalpriests.
The pagansdivided the priestsintothreegroups:Cardinals, Bishops and Priests, whichRomanCatholics.accepted.
Rev.17:4 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.
6. Idol worship a) The worship of obelisk
The Obelisk of St. Peter'sCathedral, Vatican
Obelisk is a symbol of ancientreligion and is distributedall over the world. Obelisk is derived from Egyptianmythology, which means the penis of the husband osiris of the goddessIsis. Obeliskalsosymbolizes the sungod. It is surprising that the symbol of the pagan is in the middle of the frontyard of the VaticanCathedral in Rome.
Moreover, thisobelisk is not a fake, but a hand-deliveredancientartifact from Egypt. InA.D. 37–41, the RomanEmperorCaligulabrought the obelisk in Heliopolis, Egypt, to the stsdium of the VaticanHills: Heliopolis was the base of ancientEgyptiansolarworship.
The obelisk in the Vatican is 24metershigh and weighs320tons. A.D. In1586, under the order of PopeSixtusV, they moved the obelisk to the frontyard of St. Peter'sCathedral Manypeoplerefused to move a hugeobelisk because the popedecided to put a person to deathwhodropped and broke the obeliskwhilemoving it. Eventually, a mannamedFontanatookresponsibility and carriedouttask with 45windingmachines, 180horses and 800workers. OnSeptember10, 1586, with many watching, the obelisk was carried, and when it was successfullybuilt, hundreds of bells, cannons and shoutswereechoed, and the crowdcheered.
The Vaticanhasdoneblasphemy by placing a cross on top of the Egyptianidol. After the obelisk was built, the popeheld a mass and declaredblessing to the workers and horses. There are 248DorispillarsaroundSt.Peter'sCathedralSquare, which are used in pagantempledesign.
b) Sunworship
InMithraism, a paganreligion in the Roman era, they worshipped the sun. The influence of thissolarculthasmade the holy bread round. ButJesusbroke the bread and manipulated it and handed it to hisdisciples, not in a roundshape. The meaning of breadbreakingmeans that Jesus is hurt by severewhipping and cross.
InancientEgyptianmysticalreligions, priestsalsogaveroundbread to the sungods. IHSinscribed on bread means the TrinityIsis, Horus, and Seb of Egypt: At the centralaltar of StPeter's, there is a sunshapebetweensnake-liketwistedcolumns.
ancient sunworshippattern Babyloniansuncartwheele
BabylonCCart wheel of sun
Cart wheel ay St. Peter'sCathedral, Vatican
The ancient people believed that a largewheelsymbolized the sun, and thought that the sungoddrove a cart. Israelalsohad a priesthoodincense in Baal and the sungods, the moon and the planet, whichKingJosiahreformed (king2 23:5). The BelleTemple in Babylonhasfound a cartwheelsymbolizingsungod. Similarcartwheelpatterns are carvedaround the obelisk in the frontyard of St. Peter'sCathedral.
c) The CatholicTenCommandments that removed the idolworshipban
Catholiccathedrals are madeup of allkinds of idols. Romanchurches have removed the secondcommandment of the TenCommandments: "Do not makeanyshape, do not bow to them, do not serve them." Oneclause is missing: "Do not covetanother'swife or possession" Divide this tenth commandmentintotwo.
skeletonfillingCatholiccathedral-Catholiccathedral in Czech Republic
the remains of the saintwhich is decorated with jewel (At the CatholicMonastery in Switzerland)
The Phoenix Bird is an ancient occult symbol
7. Reformation of religion and persecution of Christianity
a) Reformation
Sellingrelics, churchposts and indulgences was a bigbusiness of medievalRomanCatholicism. PopeBonifasVIIIdeclaredA.D. 1300, a Jubilee Year and grantedindulgence to thosewhomadepilgrimages to St. Peter'sCathedral. That year, two million peopleflocked to Rome, and in the tomb of St.Peter, the twopriestsraised a large sum of money.
The popegavethismoney to hisrelatives and angered the Romans by purchasingmanycastles and mansions. In the Middle Ages, RomanCatholicsownedmanylands, and accumulatedtremendouswealth by forcing the church members to paycontributions. The Catholics are not satisfied with this and begun to sell indulgences that allowthem to avoid the pain of purgatory.
At the time of MartinLuther, chatholics builtSt. Peter'sCathedral, so the pope was moreengaged in indulgencesales to raise the necessarymoney. The manwhosells the indulgencesvisited the city and put the officialpapal accreditation and the papalflag on, and all the people of all classeslined up to buyindulgences, and the moneytheycollected was put in a largemetalsafe.
The money box was writtenthe followingwords: "Themomentmoneyfalls, sounding in the box, the soulsuffering is saved from purgatory." The richwere not toomuch, but the poorhad to sacrifice everything to be forgiven for theirancestors and theirsins. Luthernailed95clauses to the CastleChurchdoor, pointing to Catholiccontradictions, including indulgences.
Luther, a doctor and professor of Catholictheology, stronglycriticized the act of sellingindulgences and exemptions as follows: "Iindulgences is a piousfraud;indulgencedoes not have anyeffectbefore the Lord'sgood." The greatestevidence that indulgence is a sham is that there is no spiritualworlditself, purgatory, betweenheaven and hell. AndyetCatholics are stillpraying for the dead for money.
b) Christianpersecution (inquisition)
In the Middle Ages, Christianswhobelieved in the Bible against the corruption and contradictions of Catholicismwerecondemned by Catholics as heretics and sufferedterribletorture and sacrifice. In1252A.D. PopeInnocentIVissued a letter of "OnExtermination" and ordered the powers in the influence of Catholics to torture and burnheretic.
It is torture that uses the torturebelt to tiehands and feet, wrap the ropearound the limbs, pull the limbs, and feel the excruciatingpain of the limbs.
Thistorturetool, known as a virgin, is empty, and it is antorture that putsknives in it, and the personwho is trapped inside is stuckaround the knife and the wholebody is cut.
Theypulledoutnails with tongs, burnedmen and women's genitals, rolled on a Protestant with a fang on a largeroller. Catholics stripped the victim'sclothes and tiedhisarmsbehind his back with a rope, and used a pulley to hang himself in the air and suddenlydroppedhim, causing the joints of the body to falloff.
ForthosewhorefusedRomanCatholicteachings, boilinglead was pouredintotheirears and mouths, theireyesweretaken out, whipped to splashflesh, or tossed into longnailedcliffs. The torturedman in the Inquisition was chained to a wall in prison and died of food from rats and pests living in a blood-filledtorturechamber.
The inquisition led to the genocide, in A.D. 1209, 6,000peoplewereslaughtered with knives in the city of Bezier, and in A.D. 1211, in Rabauer, 100,000Christianswereslaughtered. In the Merindolmassacre, 500womenwereburned to death in a warehouse, and in the A.D. 1562Orangemassacre, PopePiusIVsentanItalianarmy to brutallykillmen and women.
InParis, France, in 1572, Huguenots, whobelieved in 10,000Bibles, were massacred. The Frenchkinggave a Massthankinghim for killing many heretics, and the Vatican was pleased to accept it. The Vaticanordered the Mint to make a commemorativecoin to celebrate the Huguenotmassacre, which is engraved with anangel with a knife and a cross and a frightenedHuguenot in front of it.
In the Inquisition, the Protestant is hangingupside down with hisfeet on the torturestand, and in the furnacebelow, the ironrod to support his eyes is burning.
Inquisition torture Room, whichshows three mainmethods of torture. <Pulley, WaterTorture, fire torture>
Protestants tied to trees and burned The priestsshow a cross and demanded that the hereticswithdraw their claim.