UFOs appear in light, making a right-angleflight and quicklydisappearing that can not be explained by physicallaws. But this phenomenon is alreadyscientificallyproven and made up of implementedtechnologies. UFOsfly with anti-gravitydevices by powerfulelectro-magneticfields and ion-propulsiondevice by nuclear power. WhenUFOsappear, the surroundingelectronic devices are broken and the radiationlevels are.
The United States hasdoneUFO and new technology research at the Aeal-51 in the Nevadadesert after the RoswellUFOcrash, whichhasmade the United States the world'sbesttechnologypower. Everyoneknows that there is a UFO, but the USgovernmentofficiallydenies it because they are instructed advanced.
Rather, we are pathetic to ride a car or planeby fossilfuelsmore than 100years. This is because the US government and oilcompanies are preventingnewtechnologies from being developed, and ifsomethinglikeananti-gravitydevice or a fuellessengine is developed, they assassinatesdevelopers, buys a company or patents and disposes of them.
1. The Roswell UFO crash
At10p.m. on July2, 1947, a hugeluminousbodyappeared in the skysoutheast of Rosewell, USA, flying at a fairlyrapid speed. At the firstsite (near the ranch in the north of Rosewell), it exploded, dropped some of the debris, thenturnedwestward, narrowlycrossed the mountainous area, and then the UFO crashed at the secondsite (SanAugustinePlain).
a) The first site
WilliamBlezel, owner of the ranch, OldJupres, near the UFOcrash site, found the wreckagewhen he droveout to the paddock to take care of sheep in the earlymorning. Blezelreported the debris he hadpicked up the next day to the sheriff's office. Soon, soldierscameout of the air force base and carriedall the debrisaround the ranch.
The abovepicture is a metalfragment from the UFO and is light and does not tearwell.
b) Asecondsite
This is the testimony of GladyBarnett, a engineer. OnJuly3, 1974, when he reached the SandAugustinePlains to go on a scale work, he was noticedflashing on the plains. He thoughtmaybe it was the plane that crashed last night.
He wentthere and found a disk-shaped'Flying Saucer' with a diameter of aboutseven to eightmetersmade of stainlesssteel-likemetal. The flightdish was badlybroken and severalcrewmemberswerelying on the inside. Theylookedlikehumans, but they were never human.
They were short, and had no hair at all, and his headlookedexceptionallybig. The crew seemed dead.
The clothes the bodiesworewere all the same, with a grey-coloredonepiece. Afewmoments later, the car with the soldierscame, and he was not supposed to speakbecause it was a militarysecret. "
The leftside of the picture above is theirletter on the metalbar, and the right side is seen as a controldevice, with sixfingerscarved, which is the feature of Gray. The absence of a separatecontrolunitsuggests that Graytelepathicallycontrol UFO. There are also24 fingers and toesgiants in the Bible, sixfingers and toes, and they are not human.
1Chr.20:6 Yet again there was war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, with twenty-four fingers and toes, six on each hand and six on each foot; and he also was born to the giant.
c) Reports and cover-ups
When the militaryfirstannounced this incident, it said that Army recovered the 'Flying Saucer'. But the Ministry of Defenseknew the seriousness of the problem, and announced that the recovery of 'Flying Saucer' was misrepresented and the identity was a simplemeteorologicalinstrument. Allnewspapers in the United States accepted the correctannouncement as a fact and published the correctionarticle the next day. However, there is a question, "Howcan the ArmyAirCorpsmisjudge the remains of the observationequipment as the remains of the Flying Saucer.
On the leftside of the picture, it was reported that the Flying Saucer was captured at first, but later it is excused by showing the wreckage of the balloon.
Area 51
Area51 was originallyanairbase, but after the Roswellincident, UFOdebris and alienbodiesweremovedhere and became a UFO-relatedtechnicalinstitute. It is onlyaccessiblethroughsecuritysystem, and technology is beingpassed on from aliens in undergrounddozens of researchfacilities. Instead, alienswereallowed to kidnap humans or livestock and conductbiopsy.
The above left is a picture of Aira51 and the undergroundbasestructure on the right.
Curiouspeoplewitnessstrangeflyingobjectsaround the base, which are sanctioned by privatesecurityguards. Area51studiesadvanced technologies that we can'timagine, and researchresults are available to CIA and militarycompanies. Area51collectedUFOs and developed many of the technologieswe are currentlyusingthroughReverseEngineering. This enabled the United States to rapidlydevelopscience and technology to become a technologyadvanced country.
ColonelPhilipJCorso was involved in a secret project while working for Area51 and revealed the facts in hisbook after retirement: The technologiesresearched and developed by Area51 are as follows:
The Philadelphiaexperiment, also called ProjectRainbow, is a study that preventswarships from being seenorcaught on radarduringWorld War II in 1943. The technology used at the time was to form a powerfulelectromagneticfield around the ship, refractinglight or radarpropagation. The results of this experimentweresuccessful, but theycausedtoomuchside effects.
At9 a.m.onJuly22, 1943, offPhiladelphia, the Eldridge was carryingseveraltons of experimentalelectricalequipment. As the generatorbegan to turn, 150billionvolts of currentbegan to flow in, and a hugeelectromagneticfieldbegan to surround the destroyer. And the bluefogwrapped around the ship, and after the fogdisappeared, Eldridgedisappeared with the fog.
About15minuteslater, they stopped the generator and the fog was smeared again and the warshipappeared. The problem was that the crew on board the shipwere not normal, eitherlosingsense of direction or vomiting. The Navyonce again triesnewexperimentsaimed at preventingradartracking, not transparent.
The abovephoto is the UssEldridgeused in the experiment, and the right is the personwhofused with the wallafter the experiment and onlycame out with the armlegs.
Aexperiment was conducted on the Eldridge at 5:15p.m. on October28, 1943. The generatorturned and the Eldridgebecametranslucent, and at that moment the blueraysflashed and the shipdisappearedcompletely. Andthen, a few seconds later, ship showedup in Norfolk, Virginia, milesaway. The shiphascompletelyleft space-time trip.
When the Eldridgereturned to itsplace a few minutes later, a miserablesightappeared on the ship. A total of 181people21peoplereturned to the ship, 40peoplewereexposed to radiation or died of electricshock. And the other120peopledisappeared and nevershowedup again.
The mostunusual case was that fivecrew members wereattached to the ship'ssteelstructure as if it wereone. Fifty years after the failure of the experiment, Philadelphia residents stated that theywereseenaround the port as soldiers in navaluniformspassedthrough the wallduringWorld War II.
The chiefexecutive of this experiment was NicolaTesla. Tesla was anAmericanimmigrant born in Croatia, working for the EdisonCompany, and laterfoundedhisownresearch institute to gain a reputation as anelectricalengineer. Byinventingalternatingcurrentgenerators and transformers, he have contributedgreatly to the development of electricalengineeringtoday.
Through the aboveexperiments, we can see that a powerfulelectromagneticfieldcanrefractlight and make it invisible, and that spacemovement and timemovementfunction by distorting space-time. However, this phenomenon is quite similar to UFO. WhenUFOsappear, fog or cloudsoftenappeararound them, and the surroundingelectronic devices are destroyed by powerfulelectromagneticfields, and theydisappearquickly with brightflashes.
4. The anti-gravity device and ion-propulsion device
UFOsabsorbenergy in the universe and convert it into electromagnetics to distort space-time. Gravitycauses the surroundingspace-time to bend, and UFOsproduceartificialgravitationalfields. Therefore, it is possible to rotate at a right angle ordisappear that does not meet the physicallaw. Andwhen it acceleratesrapidly, it usesanionpropulsion device by nuclear power.
First, if you look at law of gravitation, twoobjects with mass have the power to draweach other in proportion to mass. The reason is that, according to generalrelativity theory, objects with masses bend the surroundingspace. Sowefeelgravitybecausewe'resuckedinto the space that the Earthbent.
Time is a change in matter, and space is the range of matter. Time is the force that changesmatter to increasedisorder. As the speed increases, the time slows down, and when a personwhohastraveled to spacereturns, hiswatch behind watch of earth. what is mass? Mass is the size of the force that resistswhenaccelerating by givingforce to anobject. (F=ma) Weightvaries by place, but mass is the same on Earth, the moon, or in space; (thelaw of massconservation) The larger the mass, the moreforce it takes to accelerate. The reasonwhymedium-sizedcarseatneed moreoil than smallcars is because theyconsumemorefuel to accelerate because of theirlargemass.
what's the substance? Amassbeing. The material is made up of molecules, the molecules are made up of atoms, the atoms are made up of protons and electrons, and they are electricalforces. The material is a stablecombination of energy, and it is because it is tightlybound to touch the material that is energy, and what you can see is that it reflectslight.
Wecantouchplastic because the molecules are carbon-binding, and metals are metal-binding. On the other hand, watermolecules are weak in bonding, so we canswimfreely in the water. Glassdoes not reflectvisible light, so it seems to be absent even though it presece.
Soallmatter can be convertedintoenergy by mass, and by fission of uranium, wecangettremendousenergy. (E=mc2) On the contrary, it is possible to createthisuniverse with energy, and the fact that this universecame up on its own violates the firstlaw of thermodynamics, the law of energyconservation.
Light is anelectromagneticwave with the properties of particles and waves, and has a constantspeed of 300,000km/secregardless of the speed of the light source or observer. Einsteindugdeeply into this phenomenon, whichcan not be explained by existingphysicallaws, and published the theory of specialrelativity. The content is that mattercan not exceed the speed of lightbecause time slows down, shortens the length, and the massgrows to infinity when matter approaching the speed of light.
The onlyabsolutething in the world is the speed of light, and the rest are allrelative. Inconclusion, mass, energy, time, space, and speed are related to each other and can be unified by oneforce. It's like a computer is powered by a singlepower source, and a variety of worlds are realized in it. Youcanunderstand the UFOphenomenon when you break the absoluteidea of time and space.
a) staticelectricity
The voltage difference between the Earth'sionizedlayer and Earth'ssurface is 300,000volts. So we canwitnesslightning on rainy days. Static eletricity is always around us, and when you takeoffyoursweater or touchyourcar, you can feel tens of thousands of volts.
Van de graaffhasexperimented with collectingcharges in metalspheres and causingmillions of volts of voltage. When the charge is gathered in the metalsphere, the charge is pushed to the surface of the metalspherebecause of the repulsion that pusheseach other. Sowecanexplain the flightprinciples of the sphere UFOs that we could not understand.
It is to drawelectricalenergy from nature and convert it into anelectromagneticfield and release it to a sphericalmetal surface. It'sproven in Tesla'sPhiladelphiaexperiment, with a hugeelectromagnetic field, you canmove time and space. SphereUFOs with powerfulelectromagneticfields are no longer matter, are not dominated by the law of geavity.
b) The principle of flight
UFOsemit a variety of colors, whichmeans that UFOsemitenergy.. Twometalplates are in charge to generatephysicalforce, which is proven by the BiefeldBrowneffect. The motor is active by electric power, but in the BiefeldBrowneffect, only the electricpotentialproducesphysicalforce. This is because the electricalforce to restore the imbalance caused by the electric potentialdifference.
c) Laserbeamaircraft
When a stronglaserbeam is shot on a conicalmetal, the metalrises to the sky with electromagneticwaves. This is the samephenomenon as the UFO. It was just not balanced and it was rotated at high speed by compressedair, and it was stablyflown by the gyroprinciple.
5. The story of a personwhohasdirectlymanipulated a UFO
The followingstory is about the UFO of the Earth, which was claimed by a personwhoworked as a testpilot at a secretbase and directlycontrolled a weightlessUFOcreated by Earth's people.
1. Types of UFOs
'TheUFOscurrentlyheld by the Air Force are divided into threemain categories: First for scout, which is light and small. There is no windresistance and I can not feel the speed.
The second is for transport. It is heavy and large. It is used to transportmore than 100fullyarmedtroops and heavy equipment.
The third is for attack. This is a relativelysmallflyingobject with a powerful next-generation weapon, and all objects thatattack may meltlikebutterdepending on exposure time. The speed is all the same - it's more than Mach79.
2. Settingbrainwaves for control
'Tocontrol the UFO, you first have to adjust your brain waves to the VRsensorsconnected to the UFO. Afteradjusting the brainwavesmovingup and down, you have to adjust the brainwaves at high and low, and you have to program the VRsensors with emergencyautomaticcontrol to cope with anythreats or when the pilotloseshismind.
3. The method of controlling a UFO
'Iride a ladderonto a flyingobject and thensit in the cockpit. Somemodelsmove only by brainwaves. There is no speedlimit for UFOs-nomatter how fast they move and raisealtitudethere is no change in gravity in the UFO.
4. Fuel of UFOs
'Weunderstand that the fuel of the UFO is not a componentcollected from Earth. Once it's in operation, it doesn't have to worryaboutfuelforever. Fuel and UFOmanufacturingtechnologywerereported to have been delivered from othercivilized people from the outside world.
5. Stealth and transparenttechnology
'Theexterior material of the UFOabsorbsradar and soundwaves. UFOsturntransparentwhenthey are activated, but they have the disadvantage of emittinglightwhen the speed is slow. "
6. Type of UFO
'TheUFOsheld by the Air Force have dishtype, circular type, and stick type.